List of selected publications of P.S.Antsiferov

  1. Aglitsky E.V., Antsiferov P.S., Panin A.M. Experimental estimate of the lifetime of a hot spot in a low-inductance vacuum spark -Sov.J.Plasma Phys.__1985, v.11, No.10, p.726-727
  2. Aglitsky E.V., Antsiferov P.S., Dricker M.N., Mandelstam S.L., Panin A.M. Spectra of H-like Cu, Zn, and Ga -Opt.Commun.__1985, v.55, No.2, p.97-98
  3. Aglitsky E.V., Antsiferov P.S., Koshelev K.N., Panin A.M. Spectroscopic possibilities of the low-inductance vacuum spark -Sov.J.Plasma Phys.__1986, v.12, No.10, p.683-685
  4. Aglitsky E.V., Antsiferov P.S., Mandelstam S.L., Panin A.M., Safronova U.I., Ulitin S.A., Vainshtein L.A. Comparison of calculated and measured wavelengths of resonance transition in He-like ions for Z=16-39 -Phys.Scripta__1988, v.38, No.2, p.136-142
  5. Antsiferov P.S., Koshelev K.N., Kramida A.E., Panin A.M. Two regimes of micropinching in a low-inductance vacuum spark -J.Phys.D__1989, v.22, p.1073-1077
  6. Antsiferov P.S., Movshev V.G. Status of the EBIT project at the Institute of Spectroscopy -Z.Phys.D__1991, v.21, p.317-318
  7. Antsiferov P.S., Rosmej F.B., Rosmej O.N., Schmidt H., Schulz D., Schulz A. X-ray diagnostics of plasma focus DPF-78 discharge with heavy-gas admixtures -J.Appl.Phys.__1995, v.77, No.10, p.4973-4978
  8. Antsiferov P.S. The measurement of the shifts of X-ray characteristic lines of iron in the vaporous state. -Opt.Spectrosc.__1996, v.81, No.5, p.645-647
  9. Antsiferov P.S. Linewidth measurement under poor spectral resolution -JQSRT__1996, v.55, No.1, p.149-150
  10. Antsiferov P.S. Characteristic K X-ray lines emitted by metallic vapours -JQSRT__1997, v.58, No.1, p.67-74
  11. Koshelev K.N., Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Sidelnikov Yu.V. Stimulated VUV radiation from Z-pinch necks -4th Int.Conf.Dense Z-Pin*__1997, p.303-306
  12. Antsiferov P.S. The X-ray characteristic L-spectrum of Sn, emitted by metallic vapour -Phys.Scripta__1998, v.57, No.3, p.330-333
  13. Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Khautiev E.Yu., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Glushkov D.A., Lugovenko I.V., Koshelev K.N. Dynamics of a plasma in a capillary discharge driven by a plasma focus operated in the mode of a plasma switch opening -J.Phys.D__1998, v.31, No.16, p.2013-2017
  14. Antsiferov P.S. X-ray M spectra of free lead and bismuth atoms -Opt.Spectrosc.__1999, v.86, No.6, p.868-870
  15. Antsiferov P.S., Churilov S.S. The X-ray characteristic L-beta 2,L-15 line of free molybdenum atoms -J.Phys.B__2000, v.33, No.24, p.5581-5584
  16. Antsiferov P.S., Churilov S.S., Dorokhin L.A., Koshelev K.N., Nazarenko A.V., Sidelnikov Yu.V. Analysis of high resolution Ar IX spectrum, excited in fast capillary discharge -Phys.Scripta__2000, v.62, No.2&3, p.127-131
  17. Antsiferov P.S. Shifts of x-ray characteristic L lines of free atoms of rare-earth metals -Opt.Spectrosc.__2001, v.90, No.1, p.21-23
  18. Antsiferov P.S., Ralchenko Y.V. Measurement and interpretation of the low-energy wing of Fe K beta(1,3) characteristic X-ray line -JQSRT__2001, v.69, No.1, p.103-106
  19. Koshelev K.N., Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Nazarenko A.V., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Glushkov D.A. Observation of ASE effect for Ne-like Ar in a capillary discharge driven by inductive storage with plasma erosion opening switch -J.Physique IV__2001, v.11, No.2, p.119-122
  20. Antsiferov P.S., Churilov S.S. Study of Ar ions K beta profile with the help of an Electron Beam Ion Trap -Phys.Scripta__2001, v.64, p.292-294
  21. Antsiferov P.S. Numerical modelling of explicitly time-dependent quantum systems with delta-potentials -European J.Phys.__2001, v.22, No.6, p.623-628
  22. Ryabtsev A.N., Antsiferov P.S., Nazarenko A.V., Churilov S.S., Brillet Wan-U.L., Wyart J.-F. Analysis of the spectrum of the Pd I-like xenon (Xe IX) and extended interpretation of the Sb VI, Te VII and I VIII spectra -J.Physique IV__2001, v.11, No.2, p.317-319
  23. Antsiferov P.S. The characteristic X-ray spectra of free atoms of metals -Centr.European J.Phys.__2003, v.1, No.2, p.268-288
  24. Nazarenko A.V., Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Koshelev K.N., Sidelnikov Yu.V. A driver of rapidly rising current pulses based on a semiconductor opening switch -Instrum.& Exp.Techniques__2003, v.46, No.1, p.54-56
  25. Antsiferov P.S. The natural profile of the transitions originating the autoionization states -JQSRT__2003, v.78, No.3&4, p.463-470
  26. Antsiferov P.S. Correlation of the energies of photons emitted in cascade transitions. - Opt.Spectrosc., 2004, v.96, No.2, p.265-267.
  27. Nazarenko A.V., Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Koshelev K.N. Evolution of a capillary discharge induced by a semiconductor current generator. - Plasma Phys.Reports, 2004, v.30, No.3, p.249-254.
  28. Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Koshelev K.N., Nazarenko A.V. Axially inhomogeneous plasma in fast discharges for creation of population inversion in soft x-ray region. - J.Phys.D, 2004, v.37, No.18, p.2527-2530.
  29. Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Koshelev K.N., Mednikov L.S., Nazarenko A.V. Specific features of the intensity alternation in different orders of a grazing-incidence diffraction grating. - Opt.Spectrosc., 2006, v.101, No.3, p.470-472.
  30. Ivanov V.V., Antsiferov P.S., Koshelev K.N., Akdim M.R., Bijkerk F. Numerical simulation of the creation of a hollow neutral-hydrogen channel by an electron beam - art. no. 205007. - Phys.Rev.Lett., 2006, v.97, No.20, p.5007.
  31. Antsiferov P.S., Akdim M.R., Van Dam H.T. Direct measurement of the matched spot size in a slow capillary discharge optical waveguide - art. no. 123107. - Rev.Sci.Instrum., 2007, v.78, No.12, p.3107.
  32. Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Sidelnikov Y.V., Koshelev K.N. Fast discharge in a plasma gun with hemispherical insulator. - J.Appl.Phys., 2009, v.105, No.10, p.3305.
  33. Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Koshelev K.N. Dynamics of VUV spectra in fast capillary discharge. - Opt.Spectrosc., 2011, v.111, No.3, p.342-345.
  34. Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Sidelnikov Y.V. Plasma erosion opening switch for fast discharges with current growth rate about 10^12 A/s. - Instrum.Exp.Tech., 2011, v.54, No.2, p.187-189.
  35. Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A. Experimental investigation of the shock wave in a fast discharge with cylindrical geometry. - Plasma Phys.Reports, 2013, v.39, No.8, p.663-667.
  36. Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A. The effect of preionization on the shock wave evolution in a fast cylindrical discharge. - J.Appl.Phys., 2013, v.113, No.24, p.3303.
  37. Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A. Fast discharge in a spherical cavity. - Phys.Plasmas, 2014, v.21, No.4, p.2119.
  38. Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Sopkin Yu.V., Shevel'ko A.P. Application of bent microchannel plates in recording systems of grazing-incidence spectrometers. - Instrum.Exp.Tech., 2015, v.58, No.5, p.696-698.
  39. Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A. Plasma instability in fast spherical discharge induced by a preionization. - J.Appl.Phys., 2015, v.117, No.13, p.3301.
  40. Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Krainov P.V. Grazing incidence off Rowland spectrometer with shifted slit. - Rev.Sci.Instrum., 2016, v.87, No.5, p.3106.
  41. Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A, Krainov P.V. Off Rowland spectrometer with shifted slit. - XXV CONGR.ON SPECTROSC., 2017, v.132, p.3001.
  42. Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A. Scaling of a Fast Spherical Discharge. - Plasma Phys.Reports, 2017, v.43, No.2, p.164-169.
  43. Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Kildiyarova R.R. VUV Radiation of Xenon in a Fast Conical Discharge. - Opt.Spectrosc., 2018, v.125, No.4, p.476-481.
  44. Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Koshelev K.N. Narrow band vacuum ultraviolet radiation, produced by fast conical discharge. - J.Phys.D, 2018, v.51, No.16, p.5601.
  45. Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Koshelev K.N. Extreme ultraviolet radiation of transient plasma in fast conical discharge. - Phys.Rev.E, 2019, v.100, No.2, p.3204.
  46. Абраменко Д.Б., Анциферов П.С., Астахов Д.И., Виноходов А.Ю., Вичев И.Ю., Гаязов Р.Р., Грушин А.С., Дорохин Л.А., Иванов В.В., Ким Д.А., Кошелев К.Н., Крайнов П.В, Кривокорытов М.С., Кривцун В.М., Лакатош Б.В., Лаш А.А., Медведев В.В., Рябцев А.Н., Сидельников Ю.В., Снегирев Е.П., Соломянная А.Д., Спиридонов М.В., Цыгвинцев И.П., Якушев О.Ф., Якушкин А.А. Плазменные источники экстремального ультрафиолетового излучения для литографии и сопутствующих технологических процессов (к 50-летию Института спектроскопии РАН) – Успехи Физических Наук, 2019, т.189, № 3 , с.: 323-334.
  47. Abramenko D.B., Antsiferov P.S., Astakhov D.I., Vinokhodov A.Y., Vichev I.Y., Gayazov R.R., Grushin A.S., Dorokhin L.A., Ivanov V.V., Kim D.A., Koshelev K.N., Krainov P.V., Krivokorytov M.S., Krivtsun V.M., Lakatosh B.V., Lash A.A., Medvedev V.V., Ryabtsev A.N., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Snegirev E.P., Solomyannaya A.D., Spiridonov M.V., Tsygvintsev I.P., Yakushev O.F., Yakushkin A.A. Plasma-based sources of extreme ultraviolet radiation for lithography and mask inspection (50th anniversary of the Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences). - Physics - Uspekhi, 2019, v.62, No.3, p.304-314.
  48. Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin. L.A., Pavlov A.A. The Time Dependence of the Resistance of a Plasma Erosion Opening Switch Intended for Circuits of Rapid Discharge. - Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 2020, v.63, p.351-354.
  49. Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Koshelev K.N. Population Inversion of Ar VIII Levels in the Plasma of Fast Conical Discharge. - JETP, 2022, v.135, No.3, p.383-386.
  50. Antsiferov P. S., Dorokhin L. A., Spinov D. Off-axis emission of electrons by discharge of a low-inductance vacuum spark. - Physical Review E, 2023, v.108, p.065206.
  51. Анциферов П.С., Дорохин Л.А., Макарова В.М. Методика определения коэффициента отражения в скользящем падении при использовании одноканальной схемы измерения. - Оптика и спектроскопия, 2023, v.131, No.8, p.1074-1079.
  52. Antsiferov P.S., Stepanov L.V., Matyukhin N.D. The Dynamics of XUV Plasma Emission in a Low-Inductance Vacuum Spark at the Initial Stage of Discharge Development. -Plasma Physics Reports, 2024, v.50, No.6, p.742–748.

For more information please contact: ants at isan dot troitsk dot ru