List of selected publications of E.P.Ivanova

  1. Ivanov L.N., Ivanova E.P. Atomic ion energies for Na-like ions by a model potential method Z=25-80. - At.Dat.Nuc.Dat.Tables, 1979, v.24, p.95-109.
  2. Dricker M.N., Ivanova E.P., Ivanov L.N., Shestakov A.F. Relativistic calculation of spectra of 2-2 transition in O- and F-like atomic ions. - JQSRT, 1982, v.28, No.6, p.531-535.
  3. Ivanova E.P., Ivanov L.N., Gurchumelya A.D., Tsirekidze M.A., Tsirekidze T.A. Correlation effects in heavy multi-electron ions represented by 4-4 transitions in the Zn-like isoelectronic sequence. - J.Phys.B, 1985, v.18, p.1467-1482.
  4. Ivanova E.P., Ivanov L.N., Kramida A.E., Glushkov A.V. High order corrections in the relativistic perturbation theory with the model zeroth approximation, Mg-like and Ne-like ions. - Phys.Scripta, 1985, v.32, p.513-522.
  5. Ivanov L.N., Ivanova E.P., Kononov E.Ya., Churilov S.S., Tsirekidze M.A. Energy levels of the 4lj and 5lj states for Cu-like ions; experiment and calculation. - Phys.Scripta, 1986, v.33, No.5, p.401-405.
  6. Ivanova E.P., Glushkov A.V. Theoretical investigation of spectra of multicharged ions of F-like and Ne-like isoelectronic sequence. - JQSRT, 1986, v.36, No.2, p.127-145.
  7. Gogava A.L., Ivanova E.P., Tsirekidze M.A. Rydberg states of Ne-like ions of Ar IX - Mo XXXIII. - Opt. Spectrosc., 1988, v.64, No.4, p.726-731.
  8. Gogava A.L., Ivanova E.P. Radiative decay into the ground state of highly excited ions of neon isoelectronic series. - Opt. Spectrosc., 1989, v.66, No.5, p.980-983.
  9. Gulov A.V., Ivanova E.P. Radiative life times of 2p5 3p, 2p5 3d states in Ne-like ions. - Phys.Lett.A, 1989, v.140, No.1(1), p.39-43.
  10. Aglitsky E.V., Ivanova E.P., Panin A.M., Safronova U.I., Ulitin S.A., Vainshtein L.A., Wyart J.-F. Investigation of the spectra of dipole 2 - 3 transitions in Ne-like ions (Z = 36-92). - Phys.Scripta, 1989, v.40, No.5, p.601-609.
  11. Ivanova E.P., Gulov A.V. Theoretical investigation of the neon isoelectronic sequence. - At.Dat.Nuc.Dat.Tables, 1991, v.49, No.1, p.1-64.
  12. Ivanov L.N., Ivanova E.P., Knight L.V. Energy approach to consistent QED theory for calculation of electron-collision strengths: Ne-like ions. - Phys.Rev.A, 1993, v.48, No.6, p.4365-4378.
  13. Ivanov L.N., Ivanova E.P., Knight L.V. Radiative transition probabilities for Ne-like ions. Consistent quantum mechanical calculations. - Phys.Lett.A, 1995, v.206, No.1&2, p.89-95.
  14. Ivanov L.N., Ivanova E.P., Knight L.V., Molchanov A.G. Spectrum of plasma containing Ne- and Na-like ions: Consistent account for Rydberg and autoionizing Rydberg series in balance equations. - Phys.Scripta, 1996, v.53, No.6, p.653-667.
  15. Ivanov L.N., Ivanova E.P. Storm orbital technique in calculation of physical characteristics of atomic and ionic emissions. - Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz., 1996, v.110, No.2, p.483-498.
  16. Ivanova E.P., Chekalin S.V., Ivanov A.L. Laser effect modelling for plasma containing suprahot electron beams. - X-ray Lasers 1996 Proc., 1996, p.342-346.
  17. Ivanova E.P., Ivanov A.L. Theoretical investigation of X-ray lasing in metallorganic plasmas produced by a powerful subpicosecond pulse of pumping laser. - Izv.Akad.Nauk, Ser.Fiz., 1997, v.61, No.7, p.1407-1421.
  18. Ivanova E.P., Knight L.V. Prediction of a large ASE effect in silver plasmas produced by a short-pulse-drive laser. - J.X-ray Sci.Technol., 1997, v.7, No.3&4, p.339-347.
  19. Ivanova E.P., Grant I.P. Oscillator strength anomalies in the neon isoelectronic sequence with applications to x-ray laser modelling. - J.Phys.B, 1998, v.31, No.13, p.2871-2883.
  20. Ivanova E.P., Zinoviev N.A. Calculation of the vacuum-UV radiation gains in transitions of Ne-like argon in capillary discharges. - Quant. Electronics, 1999, v.29, No.6, p.484-492.
  21. Ivanova E.P., Zinoviev N.A. Gain calculations in capillary discharge plasmas. Proposal for high temperature two-step discharge without plasma compression. - X-ray Lasers 1998.Proc., 1999, p.199-202.
  22. Ivanova E.P., Grant I.P., Rose S.J. Gain evaluation for the Ni-like tantalum X-ray laser. - X-ray Lasers 1998.Proc., 1999, p.383-386.
  23. Ivanova E.P., Grant I.P. Effects of oscillator strength transfer and radiative decay cancellation in Ne-like and Ni-like sequences. Application to X-ray laser modeling and plasma diagnostics. - X-ray Lasers 1998.Proc., 1999, p.395-398.
  24. Ivanova E.P., Ivanov A.L., Zinoviev N.A., Knight L.V. Proposal for X-ray laser pumped by a powerful short-pulse-drive laser. - X-ray Lasers 1998.Proc., 1999, p.399-402.
  25. Ivanova E.P., Ivanov A.L., Zinoviev N.A., Knight L.V. Proposal for the X-ray laser pumped by a powerful short-pulse drive laser. - SPIE, 1999, v.3735, p.266-275.
  26. Ivanova E.P., Zinoviev A.N. The possibility of X-ray lasers based on the innershell transitions of Ne-like ions. - Phys.Lett.A, 2000, v.274, No.5&6, p.239-246.
  27. Ivanova E.P., Zinoviev N.A. Time history of gain calculations in radiative-collisional model for X-ray lasers. - J.Physique IV, 2001, v.11, No.2, p.151-154.
  28. Ivanova E.P., Zinoviev N.A., Knight L.V. Theoretical investigation of a Ni-like xenon X-ray laser in the 13-14 nm range. - Quant. Electronics, 2001, v.31, No.8, p.683-688.
  29. Ivanova E.P. Spectroscopic constants of VUV laser transitions in ions of the palladium isoelectronic sequence. - Opt.Spectrosc., 2003, v.94, No.2, p.151-156.
  30. Ivanova E.P., Ivanov A.L. Theoretical search for optimal pump parameters for observing spontaneous radiation amplification on the lambda=41.8-nm transition of Xe IX in plasma. - Quant. Electronics, 2004, v.34, No.11, p.1013-1017.
  31. Ivanova E.P., Ivanov A.L. A superpowerful source of far-ultraviolet monochromatic radiation. - J.Exp.& Theor.Phys., 2005, v.100, No.5, p.844-856.
  32. Ivanova E.P., Ivanov A.L., Pakhomova T.E. X-ray laser at 10-15 nm in Pd-like ions Er XXIII - Re XXX. - X-Ray Lasers 2006 Proc., 2007, p.353-359.
  33. Ivanova E.P. Energy levels of ions of silver and rhodium isoelectronic sequences with Z < 86. - Opt.Spektrosc., 2007, v.103, No.5, p.733-740.
  34. Ivanova E.P. Radiative transition probabilities in ions of the silver isoelectronic sequence. - Opt.Spectrosc., 2009, v.107, No.1, p.1-8.
  35. Ivanova E.P. X-ray laser on transitions of Pd-like ions from Er XXIII to Re XXX. - Quant. Electronics, 2008, v.38, No.10, p.917-922.
  36. Ivanova E.P. Energy levels in Ag-like (4d10.4f, 4d10.5l (l=0-3)), Pd-like (4d9.4f [J=1], 4d9.5p [J=1], 4d9.5f [J=1]), and Rh-like (4d9 [J=5/2, 3/2]) ions with Z <= 86. - At.Dat.Nuc.Dat.Tables, 2009, v.95, No.6, p.786-804.
  37. Ivanova E.P. Quasicontinuous x-ray laser with lambda= 10.8 nm in Pd-like tungsten using a nanostructured target. - Phys.Rev.A, 2010, v.82, No.4, p.3824.
  38. Ivanova E.P. Transition probabilities for 5s-5p, 5p-5d, 4f-5d, and 5d-5f transitions in Ag-like ions with Z=50-86. - At.Dat.Nuc.Dat.Tables, 2011, v.97, No.1, p.1-22.
  39. Ivanova E.P. Highly efficient tabletop x-ray laser at lambda = 41.8 nm in Pd-like xenon pumped by optical-field ionization in a cluster jet. - Phys.Rev.A, 2011, v.84, No.4, p.3829.
  40. Ivanova E.P. Ïåðñïåêòèâû ñîçäàíèÿ ðåíòãåíîâñêîãî ëàçåðà äëÿ äèàãíîñòèêè ïîòîêîâ êëàñòåðîâ. - Ñîâðåìåííûå îïòè÷åñêèå ìåòîäû èññëåäîâàíèÿ ïîòîêîâ êëàñòåðîâ, 2011, p.57-92.
  41. Ivanova E.P. Ãîëîãðàôè÷åñêîå èññëåäîâàíèå ïîòîêîâ íàíîêëàñòåðîâ ñ èñïîëüçîâàíèåì ðåíòãåíîâñêèõ ëàçåðîâ. - Program XI Int.conf. Îïòè÷.ìåòîäû èññëåäîâàíèÿ ïîòîêîâ, 2011, p.42.
  42. Ivanova E.P. Energy levels and probabilities of radiative transitions in the Kr IX ion. - Opt.Spectrosc., 2014, v.117, No.2, p.167-175.
  43. Ivanova E.P., Vinokhodov A.Y. Efficient ultra short x-ray laser at 32.8 nm produced by optical field ionization ik krypton cluster jet. - IRAMP, 2014, v.5(1), p.33-47.
  44. Ivanova E.P. Wavelengths of the 4d-4p, 0-1 Transitions of X-Ray Lasers in Ni-Like Ions with Z <= 79. - Opt.Spectrosc., 2015, v.118, No.4, p.506-512.
  45. Ivanova E.P. Proposal for precision wavelength measurement of the Ni-like gadolinium x-ray laser formed during the interaction of a nanostructured target with an ultrashort laser beam. - Laser Phys.Lett., 2015, v.12, No.10, p.5801.
  46. Ivanova E. Wavelengths of the Self-Photopumped Nickel-Like 4f -> (1)P(1)4d 1P1 X-ray Laser Transitions. - Atoms, 2017, v.5, No.3, p.25.
  47. Ivanova E.P. X-ray laser near 13.5 and 11.3 nm in Xe26+ driven by an intense pump laser interacting with xenon cluster jet as a promising radiation source for nanolithography. - Laser Phys., 2017, v.27, No.5, p.5802.
  48. Ivanova E.P. Features of the Emission Spectra of Ni-Like Ions. Application to Calculating the Wavelengths of Self-Photo-Pumped X-Ray Lasers. - Opt.Spectrosc., 2018, v.125, No.2, p.153-162.
  49. Ivanova E.P. X-ray Lasers in Cluster Flows and in Nanostructured Targets. - Opt.Spectrosc., 2019, v.127, No.1, p.69-76.
  50. Ivanova E.P. Energy Levels for Configurations 3p63d94l, 3p53d104l (l=1–3) (Z=36–56) and Radiative Transition Probabilities to the Ground State in Ni-like Ions. Application to X-ray Lasers Modeling I. - Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables, 2021 v.139, artno. 101413.
  51. Èâàíîâà Å.Ï., Ïàíôèëîâ Â.À. Ýíåðãèè èîíèçàöèè Cu-ïîäîáíûõ èîíîâ ñ Z?92. - Îïòèêà è ñïåêòðîñêîïèÿ, 2023, v.131, No.3, p.323-331.
  52. Ivanova E.P. Model of a Femtosecond X-Ray Laser at 32.8 and 44.4 nm in Ni-Like Krypton. - Springer Proceedings in Physics (X-Ray Lasers 2023), p.69–84, Conference paper (29 September 2024)
  53. Ivanova E.P. Ionization energies of Cu- and Ni-like ions with Z>92. - JOSA B, v.41, Issue 6, p.1381-1394.
  54. Ivanova E.P. Ionization Energies of Ni-Like Ions: Applications to X-ray Laser Modeling II" - Springer Proceedings in Physics(X-Ray Lasers 2023), p.85–94, Conference paper (29 September 2024)

For more data please contact: eivanova at isan dot troitsk dot ru