of selected publications of K.N.Koshelev
- Rowekamp P., Decker G., Kies W., Schulz A., Koshelev K.N., Sidelnikov Yu.V. K-spectra of micropinches in SPEED-2 with high spectral and temporal resolution. - AIP Conf.Proc.
- Kononov E.Ya., Koshelev K.N. Inverse population of levels of multiply charged ions. - Sov.J.Quant.Electron., 1974, v.4, No.11, p.1341-1343.
- Koshelev K.N., Churilov S.S. A possible interpretation of the observed superradiance in the spectra of Al IV ions in the plasma of laser jet. - Sov.J.Quant.Electron., 1975, v.5, No.4, p.401-403.
- Kononov E.Ya., Koshelev K.N., Podobedova L.I., Chekalin S.V., Churilov S.S. Identification of the solar spectra of multicharged iron ions on the basis of laboratory measurements. - J.Phys.B, 1976, v.9, No.4, p.565-572.
- Zherikhin A.N., Koshelev K.N., Letokhov V.S. Gain in the far vacuum ultraviolet region due to transitions in multiply charged ions. - Sov.J.Quant.Electron., 1976, v.6, No.1, p.83-85.
- Bolshov M.A., Zybin A.V., Koloshnikov V.G., Koshelev K.N. Some characteristics of laser excited atomic fluorescence in a three-level scheme. - Spectrochimica Acta B, 1977, v.32, p.279-286.
- Kononov E.Ya., Koshelev K.N., Ryabtsev A.N. Sodium-like spectra Cu XIX-Br XXV. - Proc.Int.Conf.At.Phys., 1978, p.160.
- Kononov E.Ya., Koshelev K.N., Safronova U.I., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Churilov S.S. Spectroscopic measurements of the electron plasma density of the "hot spot" in a low-inductance vacuum spark. - JETP Lett., 1980, v.31, No.12, p.679-681.
- Kononov E.Ya., Koshelev K.N., Sidelnikov Yu.V. X-ray spectroscopic diagnostics of micropinch in low inductance vacuum spark. - Proceedings XV Inter.Conf.Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Minsk, 1981, 1981, p.995-996.
- Vikhrev V.V., Ivanov V.V., Koshelev K.N., Sidelnikov Yu.V. Contraction of plasma in a vacuum spark as a result of radiation losses. - Proc.X Contr.Fusion Plas., 1981, p.D6.
- Zherikhin A.N., Koshelev K.N., Kryukov P.G., Letokhov V.S., Chekalin S.V. Search for amplification in the far vacuum ultraviolet due to transitions of multiply charged ions in an extended laser plasma. - Sov.J.Quant.Electron., 1981, v.11, No.1, p.48-54.
- Vikhrev V.V., Ivanov V.V., Koshelev K.N. Formation and evolution of the micropinch region in a vacuum spark. - Sov.J.Plasma Phys., 1982, v.8, No.6, p.688.
- Kononov E.Ya., Koshelev K.N., Sidelnikov Yu.V. Radiative energy losses and heating in the low inductance vacuum spark. - Proc.VII IC-UVX-Ray Spectroscopy,Dublin, 1982
- Koshelev K.N., Kononov E.Ya. A possible explanation of non-steady-state appearances in x-ray spectra of solar flares. - Solar Phys., 1982, v.77, No.1&2, p.177-181.
- Alikhanov S.G., Vasil'ev V.I., Kononov E.Ya., Koshelev K.N., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Toporkov D.A. Formation of Micropinches in a high current linear Z pinch with pulsed gas injection. - Sov.J.Plasma Phys., 1984, v.10, No.5, p.605-608.
- Kononov E.Ya., Koshelev K.N., Sidelnikov Yu.V. X-ray spectroscopic study of micropinches in a low-inductance vacuum spark. - Sov.J.Plasma Phys., 1985, v.11, No.8, p.538-543.
- Koloshnikov G.V., Koshelev K.N., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Churilov S.S. Laser initiation of a low-inductance vacuum spark. - Sov.J.Plasma Phys., 1985, v.11, No.2, p.150-152.
- Koshelev K.N., Sidelnikov Yu.V. A micropinch as a spectral source of highly ionized atoms. - Nucl.Inst.Meth.Phys.Res.B, 1985, v.9, No.212, p.704-705.
- Sidelnikov Yu.V., Kononov E.Ya., Koshelev K.N. X-ray diagnostics of hot dense plasma in low-inductance vacuum spark. - Nucl.Inst.Meth.Phys.Res.B, 1985, v.9, No.212, p.724-726.
- Golts E.Ya., Koloshnikov G.V., Koshelev K.N., Kramida A.E., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Vikhrev V.V., Ivanov V.V., Palkin A.A., Prut V.V. A high temperature micropinch in a discharge with a current of 1 MA. - Phys.Lett.A, 1986, v.115, No.3, p.114-116.
- Aglitsky E.V., Antsiferov P.S., Koshelev K.N., Panin A.M. Spectroscopic possibilities of the low-inductance vacuum spark. - Sov.J.Plasma Phys., 1986, v.12, No.10, p.683-685.
- Koshelev K.N. Spectroscopy for X-ray Lasers. , 1986
- Golts E.Ya., Dorokhin L.A., Koshelev K.N., Kramida A.E., Palkin A.A., Sidelnikov Yu.V. A high temperature micropinch plasma as a spectral source of multiply charged ions in the region l<o.1 nm. - Acta Physica Hungarica, 1987, v.61, No.1, p.17-18.
- Golts E.Ya., Dorokhin L.A., Koshelev K.N., Kramida A.E., Palkin A.A., Sidelnikov Yu.V. A high temperature micropinch plasma as a spectral source of multiply charged ions in the region lambda <1 A. - Phys.Lett.A, 1987, v.119, No.7, p.359-360.
- Koshelev K.N., Krauz V.I., Reshetniak N.G., Salukvadze R.G., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Khautiev E.Yu. The formation of the micropinch structure in plasma focus by addition of heavy impurities. - J.Phys.D, 1988, v.21, p.1827-1829.
- Koshelev K.N. Asymmetric line profiles of highly charged ions in dense plasmas and dielectronic satellites. - J.Phys.B, 1988, v.21, No.19, p.L593-596.
- Khautiev E.Yu., Krauz V.I., Reshetniak N.G., Salukvadze R.G., Batenyuk A.A., Chkhaidze A.Ch., Koshelev K.N., Sidelnikov Yu.V. Experimental studies of the plasma focus (part I ). - Proc.XII Pl.Phys.Contr.Fu, 1988, v.2, p.579-583.
- Konig R., Kolk K.-H., Koshelev K.N., Kunze H.-J. Satellites to delta n=1 transitions between high-lying levels of multiply ionized atoms. - Phys.Rev.Lett., 1989, v.62, No.15, p.1750-1752.
- Antsiferov P.S., Koshelev K.N., Kramida A.E., Panin A.M. Two regimes of micropinching in a low-inductance vacuum spark. - J.Phys.D, 1989, v.22, p.1073-1077.
- Decker G., Kies W., Koshelev K.N., Malzig M., van Calker C., Ziethen G., Bluhm H., Rusch D., Ratajczak W., Sidelnikov Yu.V. Pinch formation in terawatt fiber experiments. - Proc.XVI European Conf.on Controlled Fusion & Plasma Phys., Venice, 1989, p.C2.
- Koshelev K.N., Krauz V.I., Reshetniak N.G., Salukvadze R.G., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Khautiev E.Yu. Formation of micropinch structures in plasma-focus discharges with admixtures of heavyatoms. - Sov.J.Plasma Phys., 1989, v.15, No.9, p.619-624.
- Churilov S.S., Dorokhin L.A., Koshelev K.N., Sidelnikov Yu.V. Intense line source in the extreme VUV based on the micropinch in the low inductance vacuum spark. - JQSRT, 1990, v.44, No.5&6, p.553-557.
- Rosmej F.B., Schulz A., Koshelev K.N., Kunze H.-J. Asymmetric repumping of the Lyman-alpha components of hydrogenlike ions in a dense expanding plasma. - JQSRT, 1990, v.44, No.5&6, p.559-566.
- Koshelev K.N., Ivanov L.N. Quenching of spontaneous emission coefficients versus dielectronic satellites. - Phys.Rev.A, 1990, v.42, No.9, p.5784-5786.
- Koshelev K.N., Yartseva O.N. "Thermodynamic" method for electron density determination by dielectronic satellites to high members of He-like Rydberg seria lines. - IP Conference, 1990, v.116, p.193-196.
- Sopkin Yu. V., Dorokhin L.A., Koshelev K.N., Sidelnikov Yu.V. Dynamics of sausage instabilities of a gas-puff Z-pinch. - Phys.Lett.A, 1991, v.152, No.3&4, p.215-217.
- Koshelev K.N., Pereira N.R. Plasma points and radiative collapse in vacuum sparks. - J.Appl.Phys., 1991, v.69, No.10, p.R21-44.
- Koshelev K.N., Rosmej O.N., Rosmej F.B., Hebach M., Schulz A., Kunze H.-J. A thermodynamic method for electron density determination from members of highly excited dielectronic satellite lines. - J.Phys.B, 1992, v.25, No.10, p.L243-247.
- Koshelev K.N., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Churilov S.S., Dorokhin L.A. Charge/exchange of plasma beams from instabilities in axial discharges and population inversion in a highly charged ions. - Phys.Lett.A, 1994, v.191, No.1&2, p.149-154.
- Koshelev K.N., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Decker G., Kies W., Malzig M., Rowekamp P., Rosmej F.B., Schulz A., Kunze H.-J. X-ray Spectroscopical Diagnostics of Nonstationary and Optically Dense High-Temperature Micropinch Plasma in the Fast Plasma Focus Discharge. - Opt.Spectrosc., 1994, v.76, No.2, p.198-202.
- Kunze H.-J., Koshelev K.N., Steden C., Uskov D.B., Wieschebrink H.T. Lasing mechanism in a capillary discharge. - Phys.Lett.A, 1994, v.193, No.2, p.183-187.
- Koshelev K.N., Kunze H.-J. Ion beams from axial discharges and the X-ray laser problem. - AIP Conf.Proc., 1994, v.299, p.231-235.
- Rowekamp P., Decker G., Kies W., Bayley J.M., Koshelev K.N., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Rosmej F.B., Schulz A., Simanovskii D.M. Spectral investigation of micropinches in the SPEED 2 plasma focus. - AIP Conf.Proc., 1994, v.299, p.332-335.
- Schmitz F., Rowekamp P., Decker G., Kies W., Zeiten G., Bayley J.M., Koshelev K.N., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Simanovskii D.M. Micropinch formation in the SPEED 2 plasma focus. - AIP Conf.Proc., 1994, v.299, p.355.
- Kunze H.-J., Glenzer S., Steden C., Wieschebrink H.T., Koshelev K.N., Uskov D.B. Lasing at Short Wavelength in A Capillary Discharge and in a Dense Z-pinch. - AIP Conf.Proc., 1994, v.332, p.380-387.
- Koshelev K.N., Kunze H.-J. Neck type instabilities in axial discharges and population inversion. - AIP Conf.Proc., 1994, v.332, p.529.
- Schulz A., Koshelev K.N. Monte-Carlo simulation of photon transport for optically thick, differentially moving plasmas : I. The argon He-like resonance- and intercombination- lines. - JQSRT, 1995, v.54, No.1(2), p.361-376.
- Decker G., Kies W., Nadolny R., Rowekamp P., Schmitz F., Ziethen G., Koshelev K.N., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Sopkin Yu. V. Micropinch actuation in the SPEED 2 plasma focus. - Plasma Sources Science & Technology, 1996, v.5, p.112-118.
- Koshelev K.N., Kunze H.-J. Population inversion in a discharge plasma with neck-type instabilities. - Quant. Electronics, 1997, v.27, No.2, p.164-167.
- Koshelev K.N., Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Sidelnikov Yu.V. Stimulated VUV radiation from Z-pinch necks. - 4th Int.Conf.Dense Z-Pinches (Vancouver Canada 1997), 1997, p.303-306.
- Engel A., Lebert R., Koshelev K.N., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Churilov S.S., Gavrilescu C., Neff W. Interaction of plasma jets produced from pinch plasma with neutral atoms in order to achieve an effective charge exchange table top X-laser. - 4th Int.Conf.Dense Z-Pinches (Vancouver Canada 1997), 1997, p.361-365.
- Engel A., Lebert R., Koshelev K.N., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Gavrilescu C., Neff W. Transition from column to micropinch regime in Z-pinches. - 4th Int.Conf.Dense Z-Pinches (Vancouver Canada 1997), 1997, p.367-371.
- Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Khautiev E.Yu., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Glushkov D.A., Lugovenko I.V., Koshelev K.N. Dynamics of a plasma in a capillary discharge driven by a plasma focus operated in the mode of a plasma switch opening. - J.Phys.D, 1998, v.31, No.16, p.2013-2017.
- Engel A., Koshelev K.N., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Churilov S.S., Gavrilescu C., Lebert R. Population inversion due to charge-exchange interaction of plasma jets from plasma focus with residual gas. - Phys.Rev.E, 1998, v.58, No.6, p.7819-7822.
- Kies W., Decker G., Berntien U., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Glushkov D.A., Koshelev K.N., Simanovskii D.M., Bobashev S.V. Stable pinch in the SPEED 2 plasma focus. - Techn.Phys.Lett., 1999, v.25, No.10, p.802-805.
- Erber C.K., Koshelev K.N., Kunze H.-J. Time development of Mg micropinches in a low-inductance vacuum spark discharge. - JQSRT, 2000, v.65, No.1-3, p.195-206.
- Churilov S.S., Dorokhin L.A., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Koshelev K.N., Schulz A., Ralchenko Yu. Inverse Population of Multicharged Ion Level in a Z-Pinch Plasma as a Result of Interaction of Plasma Beams with Neutral and Low-Ionized Gas Target. - Contrib.Plasma Phys., 2000, v.40, No.1&2, p.167-172.
- Engel A., Choi P., Koshelev K.N., Lebert R. KeV Ion Beam Generation from Z-Pinches Produced in Plasma-Focus like Geometry. - Contrib.Plasma Phys., 2000, v.40, No.1&2, p.101-105.
- Kies W., Decker G., Berntien U., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Glushkov D.A., Koshelev K.N., Simanovskii D.M., Bobashev S.V. Pinch modes produces in the SPEED2 plasma focus. - Plasma Sources Science & Technology, 2000, v.9, No.3, p.279-287.
- Antsiferov P.S., Churilov S.S., Dorokhin L.A., Koshelev K.N., Nazarenko A.V., Sidelnikov Yu.V. Analysis of high resolution Ar IX spectrum, excited in fast capillary discharge. - Phys.Scripta, 2000, v.62, No.2&3, p.127-131.
- Ellwi S.S., Juschkin L., Ferri S., Kunze H.-J., Koshelev K.N., Louis E. X-ray lasing as a result of an induced instability in an ablative capillary discharge. - J.Phys.D, 2001, v.34, No.3, p.336-339.
- Ellwi S., Andreic Z., Ferri S., Juschkin L., Koshelev K.N., Kunze H.-J. Induced m=0 instability in fast ablative capillary discharges and possible utilisation for X-ray lasers. - Nukleonika, 2001, v.46, No.1, p.1-3.
- Kies W., Decker G., Berntien U., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Glushkov D.A., Koshelev K.N., Simanovskii D.M., Bobashev S.V. Pinch modes in the SPEED2 plasma focus. - Nukleonika, 2001, v.46, No.1, p.9-14.
- Koshelev K.N., Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Nazarenko A.V., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Glushkov D.A. Observation of ASE effect for Ne-like Ar in a capillary discharge driven by inductive storage with plasma erosion opening switch. - J.Physique IV, 2001, v.11, No.2, p.119-122.
- Nazarenko A.V., Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Koshelev K.N., Sidelnikov Yu.V. A driver of rapidly rising current pulses based on a semiconductor opening switch. - Instrum.& Exp.Techniques, 2003, v.46, No.1, p.54-56.
- Ivanov V.V., Koshelev K.N., Toma E.S., Bijkerk F. Influence of an axial magnetic field on the density profile of capillary plasma channels. - J.Phys.D, 2003, v.36, No.7, p.832-836.
- De Bruijn R., Koshelev K., Kooijman G., Toma E.S., Bijkerk F. Absorption of EUV in laser plasmas generated on xenon gas jets. - JQSRT, 2003, v.81, No.1-4, p.97-105.
- Glouchkov D., Koshelev K., Schulz A. Monte Carlo simulation of photon transport for optically thick, differentially moving plasmas: II. Escape factors for differentially moving spheres. - JQSRT, 2003, v.81, No.1-4, p.191-197.
- De Bruijn R., Koshelev K., Bijkerk F. Enhancement of laser plasma EUV emission by shockwave-plasma interaction. - J.Phys.D, 2003, v.36, No.18, p.L88-91.
- Nazarenko A.V., Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Koshelev K.N. Evolution of a capillary discharge induced by a semiconductor current generator. - Plasma Phys.Reports, 2004, v.30, No.3, p.249-254.
- Kieft E.R., Van der Mullen J.J.A.M., Kroesen G.M.W., Banine V., Koshelev K.N. Stark broadening experiments on a vacuum arc discharge in tin vapor - art. no. 066402. - Phys.Rev.E, 2004, v.70, No.6, p.6402.
- Kieft E.R., Van der Mullen J.J.A.M., Kroesen G.M.W., Banine V., Koshelev K.N. Collective Thomson scattering experiments on a tin vapor discharge in the prepinch phase - art. no. 056413. - Phys.Rev.E, 2004, v.70, No.5, p.6413.
- Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Koshelev K.N., Nazarenko A.V. Axially inhomogeneous plasma in fast discharges for creation of population inversion in soft x-ray region. - J.Phys.D, 2004, v.37, No.18, p.2527-2530.
- Kieft E.R., Van der Mullen J.J.A.M., Kroesen G.M.W., Banine V., Koshelev K.N. Active and passive spectroscopy on EUV-producing discharge plasmas. - High Temperature Material Processes, 2004, v.8, No.1, p.149-160.
- Kieft E.R., Van der Mullen J.J.A.M., Kroesen G.M.W., Banine V., Koshelev K.N. Characterization of a vacuum-arc discharge in tin vapor using time-resolved plasma imaging and extreme ultraviolet spectrometry - art. no. 026409. - Phys.Rev.E, 2005, v.71, No.2, p.6409.
- De Bruijn R., Koshelev K.N., Zakharov S.V., Novikov V.G., Bijkerk F. Enhancement of laser plasma extreme ultraviolet emission by shockwave-laser interaction - art. no. 042701. - Phys.Plasmas, 2005, v.12, No.4, p.42701.
- Churilov S.S., Kononov E.Ya., Koshelev K.N., Ryabtsev A.N. Vacuum spark EUV spectrum of tin. - Europhys.Conferen.Abst., 2005, v.29, No.1, p.52.
- Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Koshelev K.N., Mednikov L.S., Nazarenko A.V. Specific features of the intensity alternation in different orders of a grazing-incidence diffraction grating. - Opt.Spectrosc., 2006, v.101, No.3, p.470-472.
- Ivanov V.V., Antsiferov P.S., Koshelev K.N., Akdim M.R., Bijkerk F. Numerical simulation of the creation of a hollow neutral-hydrogen channel by an electron beam - art. no. 205007. - Phys.Rev.Lett., 2006, v.97, No.20, p.5007.
- Tolstikhina I.Yu., Churilov S.S., Ryabtsev A.N., Koshelev K.N. Atomic tin data. - EUV Sources for Lithography, 2006, p.113-148.
- Koshelev K.N., Kunze H.-J., Gayazov R.R., Gomozov V.A., Ivanov V.V., Koloshnikov V.G., Korop E.D., Krivtsun V.M., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Yakushev O.F., Zukakishvili G.G. Radiative Collapse in Z Pinches. - EUV Sources for Lithography, 2006, p.175-195.
- Novikov V.G., Ivanov V.V., Koshelev K.N., Krivtsun V.M., Solomyannaya A.D. Calculation of tin emission spectra in discharge plasma: The influence of reabsorption in spectral lines. - High Energy Density Plasma, 2007, v.3, No.1&2, p.198-203.
- Koshelev K.N., Banine V.Y., Salashchenko N.N. Research and development in short-wave radiation sources for new-generation lithography. - Physics-Uspekhi, 2007, v.50, No.7, p.741-744.
- Bolshov M., Kasyanov Y., Feshchenko R., Krivzun V., Ivanov V., Koshelev K. Investigation of the dynamic of an expanding laser plume by a shadowgraphic technique. - Spectrochimica Acta B, 2008, v.63, No.2, p.324-331.
- Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Sidelnikov Y.V., Koshelev K.N. Fast discharge in a plasma gun with hemispherical insulator. - J.Appl.Phys., 2009, v.105, No.10, p.3305.
- Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Koshelev K.N. Dynamics of VUV spectra in fast capillary discharge. - Opt.Spectrosc., 2011, v.111, No.3, p.342-345.
- Medvedev V.V., Yakshin A.E., Van de Kruijs R.W.E., Krivtsun V.M., Yakunin A.M., Koshelev K.N., Bijkerk F. Infrared suppression by hybrid EUV multilayer-IR etalon structures. - Optics Letters, 2011, v.36, No.17, p.3344-3346.
- Banine V.Y., Koshelev K.N., Swinkels G.H.P.M. Physical processes in EUV sources for microlithography. - J.Phys.D, 2011, v.44, No.25, p.3001.
- Braginsky O.V., Kovalev A.S., Lopaev D.V., Malykhin E.M., Rakhimova T.V., Rakhimov A.T., Vasilieva A.N., Zyryanov S.M., Koshelev K.N., Krivtsun V.M., Van Kaampen M., Glushkov D. Removal of amorphous C and Sn on Mo:Si multilayer mirror surface in Hydrogen plasma and afterglow. - J.Appl.Phys., 2012, v.111, No.9, p.3304.
- Koshelev K., Krivtsun V., Ivanov V., Yakushev O., Chekmarev A., Koloshnikov V., Snegirev E., Medvedev V. New type of discharge-produced plasma source for extreme ultraviolet based on liquid tin jet electrodes. - Journal of Micro - Nanolithography Mems and Moems, 2012, v.11, No.2, p.1103.
- Medvedev V.V., Yakshin A. E., Van de Kruijs R W.E., Krivtsun V.M., Yakunin A.M., Koshelev K.N., Bijkerk F. Infrared antireflective filtering for extreme ultraviolet multilayer Bragg reflectors. - Optics Letters, 2012, v.37, No.7, p.1169-1171.
- Koshelev K.N., Ivanov V.V., Novikov V.G., Medvedev V., Grushin A.S., Krivtsun V.M. RZLINE code modeling of distributed tin targets for laser-produced plasma sources of extreme ultraviolet radiation. - Journal of Micro - Nanolithography Mems and Moems, 2012, v.11, No.2, p.1112.
- Yakushev O.F., Vinokhodov A.Yu., Koshelev K.N., Krivtsun V.M. A compact centrifugal pump for transmitting molten metals and other liquids with an operating temperature of up to 380 degrees C. - Instrum.Exp.Tech., 2015, v.58, No.6, p.820-824.
- Vinokhodov A.Y., Krivokorytov M.S., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Krivtsun V.M., Medvedev V.V., Koshelev K.N. Droplet-based, high-brightness extreme ultraviolet laser plasma source for metrology. - J.Appl.Phys., 2016, v.120, No.16, p.3304.
- Vinokhodov A., Krivokorytov M., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Krivtsun V., Medvedev V., Bushuev V., Koshelev K., Glushkov D., Ellwi S. Stable droplet generator for a high brightness laser produced plasma extreme ultraviolet source. - Rev.Sci.Instrum., 2016, v.87, No.10, p.3304.
- Astakhov D.I., Goedheer W.J., Lee C.J., Ivanov V.V., Krivtsun V.M., Koshelev K.N., Lopaev D.V., Van der Horst R.M., Beckers J., Osorio E.A., Bijkerk F. Exploring the electron density in plasma induced by EUV radiation: II. Numerical studies in argon and hydrogen. - J.Phys.D, 2016, v.49, No.29, p.5204.
- Van der Horst R.M., Beckers J., Osorio E.A., Astakhov D.I., Goedheer W.J., Lee C.J., Ivanov V.V., Krivtsum V.M., Koshelev K.N., Lopaev D.V., Bijkerk F., Banine V.Y. Exploring the electron density in plasma induced by EUV radiation: I. Experimental study in hydrogen. - J.Phys.D, 2016, v.49, No.14, p.5203.
- Vinokhodov A.Y., Krivokorytov M.S., Sidelnikov Y.V., Krivtsun V.M., Medvedev V.V., Koshelev K.N. High-brightness EUV source based on laser plasma using a liquid-metal droplet target. - Quant. Electronics, 2016, v.46, No.5, p.473-480.
- Vinokhodov A.Y., Koshelev K.N., Krivtsun V.N., Krivokorytov M.S., Sidelnikov Y.V., Medvedev V.V., Kompanets V.O., Melnikov A.A., Chekalin S.V. Formation of a fine-dispersed liquid-metal target under the action of femto-and picosecond laser pulses for a laser-plasma radiation source in the extreme ultraviolet range. - Quant. Electronics, 2016, v.46, No.1, p.23-28.
- Vinokhodov A.Y., Krivtsun V.M., Lash A.A., Borisov V.M., Yakushev O.F., Koshelev K.N. High-brightness laser-induced EUV source based on tin plasma with an unlimited lifetime of electrodes. - Quant. Electronics, 2016, v.46, No.1, p.81-87.
- Krivokorytov M.S., Vinokhodov A.Y., Sidelnikov Y.V., Krivtsun V.M., Kompanets V.O., Lash A.A., Koshelev K.N., Medvedev V.V. Cavitation and spallation in liquid metal droplets produced by subpicosecond pulsed laser radiation. - Phys.Rev.E, 2017, v.95, No.3, p.1101.
- Basko M.M., Krivokorytov M.S., Vinokhodov A.Y., Sidelnikov Y.V., Krivtsun V.M., Medvedev V.V., Kim D.A., Kompanets V.O., Lash A.A., Koshelev K.N. Fragmentation dynamics of liquid-metal droplets under ultra-short laser pulses. - Laser Phys.Lett., 2017, v.14, No.3, p.6001.
- Grigoryev S.Y., Lakatosh B.V., Krivokorytov M.S., Zhakhovsky V.V., Dyachkov S.A., Ilnitsky D.K., Migdal K.P., Inogamov N.A., Vinokhodov A.Y., Kompanets V.O., Sidelnikov Y.V., Krivtsun V.M., Koshelev K.N., Medvedev V.V. Expansion and Fragmentation of a Liquid-Metal Droplet by a Short Laser Pulse. - Phys.Rev.Appl., 2018, v.10, No.6, p.4009.
- Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Koshelev K.N. Narrow band vacuum ultraviolet radiation, produced by fast conical discharge. - J.Phys.D, 2018, v.51, No.16, p.5601.
- Abramenko D.B., Spiridonov M.V., Krainov P.V., Krivtsun V.M., Astakhov D.I., Medvedev V.V., Van Kampen M., Smeets D., Koshelev K.N. Measurements of hydrogen gas stopping efficiency for tin ions from laser-produced plasma. - Appl.Phys.Lett., 2018, v.112, No.16, p.4102.
- Krivokorytov M.S., Zeng Q., Lakatosh B.V., Vinokhodov A.Y., Sidelnikov Y.V., Kompanets V.O., Krivtsun V.M., Koshelev K.N., Ohl C.D., Medvedev V.V. Shaping and Controlled Fragmentation of Liquid Metal Droplets through Cavitation. - Sci Rep, 2018, v.8, p.597.
- Lakatosh B.V., Abramenko D.B., Ivanov V.V., Medvedev V.V., Krivtsun V.M., Koshelev K.N., Yakunin A.M. Propulsion of a flat tin target with pulsed CO2 laser radiation: measurements using a ballistic pendulum. - Laser Phys.Lett., 2018, v.15, No.1, p.6003.
- Koshelev K., Vinokhodov A., Yakushev O., Yakushkin A., Abramenko D., Lash A., Krivokorytov M., Sidelnikov Y., Ivanov V., Krivtsun V., Medvedev V., Glushkov D., Seroglazov P., Ellwi S., Lebert R. Debris free high brightness ligth source based on LPP for actinic EUV microscopy and metrology applications. - Proc.of SPIE Conf.on EUV Lithography (EUVLS), 2018, v.10809.
- Vinokhodov A.Y., Yakushkin A.A., Yakushev O.F., Krivokorytov M.S., Krivtsun V.M., Medvedev V.V., Lash A.A., Koshelev K.N. A Magnetohydrodynamic System for Pumping Liquid Metal Media in a Plasma Source of Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation. - Instrum.Exp.Tech., 2019, v.62, No.2, p.283-288.
- Абраменко Д.Б., Анциферов П.С., Астахов Д.И., Виноходов А.Ю., Вичев И.Ю., Гаязов Р.Р., Грушин А.С., Дорохин Л.А., Иванов В.В., Ким Д.А., Кошелев К.Н., Крайнов П.В, Кривокорытов М.С., Кривцун В.М., Лакатош Б.В., Лаш А.А., Медведев В.В., Рябцев А.Н., Сидельников Ю.В., Снегирев Е.П., Соломянная А.Д., Спиридонов М.В., Цыгвинцев И.П., Якушев О.Ф., Якушкин А.А. Плазменные источники экстремального ультрафиолетового излучения для литографии и сопутствующих технологических процессов (к 50-летию Института спектроскопии РАН) – Успехи Физических Наук, 2019, т.189, № 3 , с.: 323-334.
- Abramenko D.B., Antsiferov P.S., Astakhov D.I., Vinokhodov A.Y., Vichev I.Y., Gayazov R.R., Grushin A.S., Dorokhin L.A., Ivanov V.V., Kim D.A., Koshelev K.N., Krainov P.V., Krivokorytov M.S., Krivtsun V.M., Lakatosh B.V., Lash A.A., Medvedev V.V., Ryabtsev A.N., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Snegirev E.P., Solomyannaya A.D., Spiridonov M.V., Tsygvintsev I.P., Yakushev O.F., Yakushkin A.A. Plasma-based sources of extreme ultraviolet radiation for lithography and mask inspection (50th anniversary of the Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences). - Physics - Uspekhi, 2019, v.62, No.3, p.304-314.
- Koshelev K., Vinokhodov A., Yakushev O., Abramenko D., Lash A., Krivokorytov M., Sidelnikov Y., Ivanov V., Krivtsun V., Medvedev V., Glushkov D., Seroglazov P., Ellwi S., Lebert R., Ronse K.G. Debris free high brightness light source based on LPP for actinic EUV microscopy and metrology applications. - Proc.of SPIE Int.conf.on EUV Lithography 2018, 2018.
- Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Koshelev K.N. Extreme ultraviolet radiation of transient plasma in fast conical discharge. - Phys.Rev.E, 2019, v.100, No.2, p.3204.
- Antsiferov P.S., Dorokhin L.A., Koshelev K.N. Population Inversion of Ar VIII Levels in the Plasma of Fast Conical Discharge. - JETP, 2022, v.135, No.3, p.383-386.
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