List of selected publications of V.M.Krivtsun

  1. Apatin V.M., Krivtsun V.M., Kuritsyn Yu.A., Makarov G.N., Pak I. Diode laser study of IR multiphoton induced depletion of rotational sublevels of the ground vibrational state of SF6 molecules cooled in a pulsed free jet. - Opt. Commun., 1983, v. 47, No. 4, p. 251-256.
  2. Apatin V.M., Krivtsun V.M., Kuritsyn Yu.A., Makarov G.N., Pak I., Zasavitskii I.I., Shotov A.P. Diode laser spectroscopy of SF6 molecules, cooled in a pulsed jet, with IR multiphoton excitation. - JETP Lett., 1983, v.37, p.431-435.
  3. Vedeneeva G.V., Krivtsun V.M., Kuritsyn Yu.A., Snegirev E. P. Study of the influence of Coriolis coupling on the frequencies of the transitions in the n2 band of tetrahedral hydrides using a tunable-injection-laser spectrometer. - Opt.Spectrosc. (USSR), 1983, v.54, No. 6, p.560-561.
  4. Evseev A.V., Krivtsun V.M., Kuritsyn Yu.A., Makarov A.A., Puretskiy A.A., Ryabov E.A., Snegirev E.P., Tyakht V.V. IR absorption spectrum of CrO2Cl2 molecules prepared in a high-lying state of a vibrational quasicontinuum. - Sov.Phys.JETP, 1984, v. 60, No. 1, p. 64-71.
  5. Krivtsun V.M., Kuritsyn Yu.A., Snegirev E.P., Zasavitskii I.I., Shotov A.P. Measurements of small concentrations of PH3 in GeH4 with the use of spectrometer on tunable diode lasers. - Sov.J.Appl. Phys., 1985, v.43, No.4, p.571-576.
  6. Evseev A.V., Krivtsun V.M., Kuritsyn Yu.A., Makarov A.A., Puretzky A.A., Ryabov E.A., Snegirev E.P., Tyakht V.V. IR absorption spectrum of CrO2Cl2 molecules for high-lying states of the vibrational quasi-continuum. - Chem.Phys., 1986, v. 106, No. 1, p. 131-149.
  7. Boldyrev N.Yu. and Krivtsun V.M. The Design of Low-Cost Portable Fourier Transform Spectrometer for Analytical Applications. - International conference "Ecology of Cities" Rhodes, Greece, on June 8-12, 1998.
  8. Krivtsun V.M., Sadovsky D.A., Snegirev E.P. Diode laser spectroscopy of the n1 and n3 bands of the SnH4 molecule. - Proceeding of the Xth International Conference on High Resolution IR Spectroscopy, Liblice near Prague, September 5-9, 1988, p.59.
  9. Krivtsun V.M., Sadovsky D.A., Snegirev E.P. Diode laser study of the n1 and n3 bands of the 120SnH4. - Proceeding of the I Italian-Soviet seminar on High Resolution IR Spectroscopy. Bologna, 23-27 october 1989.
  10. Krivtsun V.M., Sadovsky D.A., Snegirev E.P., Shotov A.P., Zasavitskii I.I. Diode Laser Study of the n1 and n3 Bands of the 120SnH4 Molecule. - J.Mol.Spectrosc. 1990, v.139, No.1, p.107-125.
  11. Davarashvili O.I., Zhilinskii B. I., Krivtsun V.M., Sadovskii D.A., and Snegirev E.P. Experimental study of a sequence of quantum bifurcations. - JETP Lett.(USA), 1990, v.51, p.18-21.
  12. Krivtsun V.M., Sadovskii D.A., and Zhilinskii B.I. Critical phenomena and diabolic points in rovibrational energy spectra of spherical top molecules. - J.Mol.Spectrosc. 1990, v.139, p.126-146.
  13. Krivtsun V.M., Sadovsky D.A., Snegirev E.P. and Zhilinskii B.I. Investigation of Quantum Bifurcation leading to Crossover of the Rotational Multiplet. - Proceeding of the XI th International Conference on High Resolution IR Spectroscopy, Dobrice, Prague, September 3-7 1990, p.144.
  14. Bychkova L.P., Davarashvili O.I., Krivtsun V.M., Kuritsyn Yu.A., Shotov A.P. Investigation of the current-voltage characteristics of injection lasers with isoperiodic PbSnSeTe layers. - Sov.J.Quant.Electr., 1992, v.22 No.2, 111-113.
  15. Krivtsun V.M., Kuritsyn Yu.A., Nadezhdin B.B. Study of the NH2 radicals, produced by flash photolysis of NH3. - Proc. SPIE, 1992, v.1724, p.188-192.
  16. Krivtsun V.M., Kuritsyn Yu.A., Mironenko V.R., Pak I., Snegirev E.P. Spectroscopic investigations with Pb-salt diode lasers. - Spectrochim. Acta, Part A 52, 1996, p.925-953.
  17. Liger V.V., Kuritsyn Yu.A., Krivtsun V.M., Snegirev E.P., Kononov A.N. Measurement of the absorption with a diode laser characterized by a detection threshold governed by the shot noise of its radiation. Quant. Electronics, 1997, v.27, No.4, p.360-365).
  18. Krivtsun V.M., Kuritsyn Yu.A., Snegirev E.P. Observation of IR absorption spectra of the unstable PbH4 molecule. - Opt.Spectrosc., 1999, v.86, No.5, p.686-691.
  19. Wangler, M., Roth, D.A., Krivtsun, V.M., Pak, I., Winnewisser, G., Geleijns, M., Wormer, P.E.S., Avoird, A. van der. High resolution TDL spectroscopy of the Ar-CH4 complex. - Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2002 v.58, Iss.11 p.2499-2504.
  20. Koshelev K.N., Ivanov V.V., Krivtsun V.M., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Zukakishvili G.G., Kieft, Velden M. v.d., Gielessen K. Extreme ultraviolet sources for lithography applications. - EUVL 2004 Symposium, November 2004, Miyazaki, Japan.
  21. Liger V.V., Bolshov M.A., Kuritsyn Yu.A., Krivtsun V.M., Zybin A.V., Niemax K. Determination of the Parameters of Condensed Media by the Dual-Wavelength Differential Absorption Method. - Opt.Spectrosc. 2005, v.99, No.5, p.816-827.
  22. Koshelev K.N., Kunze H.-J., Gayazov R.R,, Gomozov V.A., Ivanov V.V., Koloshnikov V.G., Korop E.D., Krivtsun V.M., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Yakushev O.F., and Zukakishvili G.G. Radiative collapse in Z Pinches., p.175-195 in book “EUV Sources for lithography”, Vivek Bakshi ed., SPIE Press, Bellingham USA, 2005, ISBN 0-8194-5845-7.
  23. Boldyrev N.Y., Vinogradov E.A., Kalinin A.V., Krivtsun V.M., Sadovsky S.V., “Application of two-channel FTIR spectrometer ISD-206 to dairy produce quality control” Abstracts of 4-th Winter Simposium “Chemometrics”, 16-21 febr. 2005, Tchernogolovka.
  24. V.Ivanov, V.Novikov, A.Solomyannaya, V.Krivtsun, K.Koshelev. “RZLine MHD model of z-pinch discharge based EUV source”. 2006 International symposium on extreme ultraviolet lithography, Spain, Barcelona 15-18 Oct. 2006,
  25. K.Koshelev, V.V.Ivanov, V.Krivtsun, O.Yakushev, Yu.Sidelnikov, R.Gayazov, E.D.Korop, V.G.Koloshnikov, A.Chekmarev and V.Banin. “New way of DPP source multiplication” Sematech Source Workshop, Spain, Barcelona 19 Oct. 2006.
  26. Kalinin A.V, Krasheninnikov V.N., Krivtsun V.M., Sadovsky S.V. Multucomponent quantitative analyses of biological fluids (by the example of milk) with the use of portable NIR spectrometer, Book of abstracts, International Congress on Analytical Sciences, 25-30 June, M., 2006,v.1, p.157.
  27. Koshelev K.N., Kunze H.-J., Gayazov R.R., Gomozov V.A., Ivanov V.V., Koloshnikov V.G., Korop E.D., Krivtsun V.M., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Yakushev O.F., Zukakishvili G.G. Radiative Collapse in Z Pinches. - EUV Sources for Lithography, 2006, p.175-195.
  28. A.Kalinin, V. Krasheninnikov, V.Krivtsun, S.Sadovsky, Infrared spectrometers for dairy quality control. - The 3rd International Conference MEDBIOTECH ”Modern Issues of Innovation Activity in Biology and Medicine‡, December 4-5, 2006, Moscow, CATALOG of Innovative Projects, N 29.
  29. Novikov V.G., Ivanov V.V., Koshelev K.N., Krivtsun V.M., Solomyannaya A.D. Calculation of tin emission spectra in discharge plasma: The influence of reabsorption in spectral lines. - High Energy Density Plasma, 2007, v.3, No.1&2, p.198-203.
  30. Bolshov M.A., Feshchenko R., Kasyanov Yu.S., Krivtsun V.M., Ivanov V.V., Koshelev K.N. Investigation of the dynamic of an expanding laser plume by a shadow graphic technique. - Spectrochim. Acta B, 2008, v.63, No.2, p.324-331.
  31. Medvedev V.V., Yakshin A.E., Van de Kruijs R.W.E., Krivtsun V.M., Yakunin A.M., Koshelev K.N., Bijkerk F. Infrared suppression by hybrid EUV multilayer-IR etalon structures. - Optics Letters, 2011, v.36, No.17, p.3344-3346.
  32. Braginsky O.V., Kovalev A.S., Lopaev D.V., Malykhin E.M., Rakhimova T.V., Rakhimov A.T., Vasilieva A.N., Zyryanov S.M., Koshelev K.N., Krivtsun V.M., Van Kaampen M., Glushkov D. Removal of amorphous C and Sn on Mo:Si multilayer mirror surface in Hydrogen plasma and afterglow. - J.Appl.Phys., 2012, v.111, No.9, p.3304.
  33. Koshelev K., Krivtsun V., Ivanov V., Yakushev O., Chekmarev A., Koloshnikov V., Snegirev E., Medvedev V. New type of discharge-produced plasma source for extreme ultraviolet based on liquid tin jet electrodes. - Journal of Micro - Nanolithography Mems and Moems, 2012, v.11, No.2, p.1103.
  34. Medvedev V.V., Yakshin A. E., Van de Kruijs R W.E., Krivtsun V.M., Yakunin A.M., Koshelev K.N., Bijkerk F. Infrared antireflective filtering for extreme ultraviolet multilayer Bragg reflectors. - Optics Letters, 2012, v.37, No.7, p.1169-1171.
  35. Koshelev K.N., Ivanov V.V., Novikov V.G., Medvedev V., Grushin A.S., Krivtsun V.M. RZLINE code modeling of distributed tin targets for laser-produced plasma sources of extreme ultraviolet radiation. - Journal of Micro - Nanolithography Mems and Moems, 2012, v.11, No.2, p.1112.
  36. Medvedev V.V., Van den Boogaard A.J.R., Van der Meer R., Yakshin A.E., Louis E., Krivtsun V.M., Bijkerk F. Infrared diffractive filtering for extreme ultraviolet multilayer Bragg reflectors. - Opt.Express, 2013, v.21, No.14, p.16964-16974.
  37. Kalinin A.V., Krasheninnikov V.N., Krivtsun V.M. Short-wave near infrared spectrometry of back scattering and transmission of light by milk for multi-component analysis. - Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy, 2013, v.21, No.1, p.35-41.
  38. Popov M., Gayazov R., Khadzhiyskiy F., Medvedev V., Krivtsun V., Kirichenko A., Kulnitskiy B., Perezhogin I., Tyukalova E., Blank V. C-60 three-dimensional polymerization by impulse heating effect. - J.Appl.Phys., 2014, v.115, No.15, p.3506.
  39. Dolgov A., Lopaev D., Rachimova T., Kovalev A., Vasil'eva A., Lee C.J., Krivtsun V.M., Yakushev O., Bijkerk F. Comparison of H-2 and He carbon cleaning mechanisms in extreme ultraviolet induced and surface wave discharge plasmas. - J.Phys.D, 2014, v.47, No.6, p.5205.
  40. Yakushev O.F., Vinokhodov A.Yu., Koshelev K.N., Krivtsun V.M. A compact centrifugal pump for transmitting molten metals and other liquids with an operating temperature of up to 380 degrees C. - Instrum.Exp.Tech., 2015, v.58, No.6, p.820-824.
  41. Astakhov D.I., Goedheer W.J., Lee C.J., Ivanov V.V., Krivtsun V.M., Zotovich A.I., Zyryanov S.M., Lopaev D.V., Bijkerk F. Plasma probe characteristics in low density hydrogen pulsed plasmas. - Plasma Sources Science & Technology, 2015, v.24, No.5, p.5018.
  42. Dolgov A., Yakushev O., Abrikosov A., Snegirev E., Krivtsun V.M., Lee C.J., Bijkerk F. Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) source and ultra-high vacuum chamber for studying EUV-induced processes. - Plasma Sources Science & Technology, 2015, v.24, No.3, p.5003.
  43. Vinokhodov A.Y., Krivokorytov M.S., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Krivtsun V.M., Medvedev V.V., Koshelev K.N. Droplet-based, high-brightness extreme ultraviolet laser plasma source for metrology. - J.Appl.Phys., 2016, v.120, No.16, p.3304.
  44. Vinokhodov A., Krivokorytov M., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Krivtsun V., Medvedev V., Bushuev V., Koshelev K., Glushkov D., Ellwi S. Stable droplet generator for a high brightness laser produced plasma extreme ultraviolet source. - Rev.Sci.Instrum., 2016, v.87, No.10, p.3304.
  45. Astakhov D.I., Goedheer W.J., Lee C.J., Ivanov V.V., Krivtsun V.M., Koshelev K.N., Lopaev D.V., Van der Horst R.M., Beckers J., Osorio E.A., Bijkerk F. Exploring the electron density in plasma induced by EUV radiation: II. Numerical studies in argon and hydrogen. - J.Phys.D, 2016, v.49, No.29, p.5204.
  46. Vinokhodov A.Y., Krivokorytov M.S., Sidelnikov Y.V., Krivtsun V.M., Medvedev V.V., Koshelev K.N. High-brightness EUV source based on laser plasma using a liquid-metal droplet target. - Quant. Electronics, 2016, v.46, No.5, p.473-480.
  47. Vinokhodov A.Y., Krivtsun V.M., Lash A.A., Borisov V.M., Yakushev O.F., Koshelev K.N. High-brightness laser-induced EUV source based on tin plasma with an unlimited lifetime of electrodes. - Quant. Electronics, 2016, v.46, No.1, p.81-87.
  48. Abrikosov A.A., Yakushev O.F., Lopaev D.V., Krivtsun V.M. Dynamics of the ion energy spectrum in EUV-induced hydrogen plasma. - Plasma Phys.Reports, 2017, v.43, No.6, p.614-620.
  49. Abrikosov A., Reshetnyak V., Astakhov D., Dolgov A., Yakushev O., Lopaev D., Krivtsun V. Numerical simulations based on probe measurements in EUV-induced hydrogen plasma. - Plasma Sources Science & Technology, 2017, v.26, No.4, p.5011.
  50. Krivokorytov M.S., Vinokhodov A.Y., Sidelnikov Y.V., Krivtsun V.M., Kompanets V.O., Lash A.A., Koshelev K.N., Medvedev V.V. Cavitation and spallation in liquid metal droplets produced by subpicosecond pulsed laser radiation. - Phys.Rev.E, 2017, v.95, No.3, p.1101.
  51. Basko M.M., Krivokorytov M.S., Vinokhodov A.Y., Sidelnikov Y.V., Krivtsun V.M., Medvedev V.V., Kim D.A., Kompanets V.O., Lash A.A., Koshelev K.N. Fragmentation dynamics of liquid-metal droplets under ultra-short laser pulses. - Laser Phys.Lett., 2017, v.14, No.3, p.6001.
  52. Abramenko D.B., Spiridonov M.V., Krainov P.V., Krivtsun V.M., Astakhov D.I., Medvedev V.V., Van Kampen M., Smeets D., Koshelev K.N. Measurements of hydrogen gas stopping efficiency for tin ions from laser-produced plasma. - Appl.Phys.Lett., 2018, v.112, No.16, p.4102.
  53. Lakatosh B.V., Abramenko D.B., Ivanov V.V., Medvedev V.V., Krivtsun V.M., Koshelev K.N., Yakunin A.M. Propulsion of a flat tin target with pulsed CO2 laser radiation: measurements using a ballistic pendulum. - Laser Phys.Lett., 2018, v.15, No.1, p.6003.
  54. Koshelev K., Vinokhodov A., Yakushev O., Yakushkin A., Abramenko D., Lash A., Krivokorytov M., Sidelnikov Y., Ivanov V., Krivtsun V., Medvedev V., Glushkov D., Seroglazov P., Ellwi S., Lebert R. Debris free high brightness ligth source based on LPP for actinic EUV microscopy and metrology applications. - Proc.of SPIE Conf.on EUV Lithography (EUVLS), 2018, v.10809.
  55. Grigoryev S.Y., Lakatosh B.V., Krivokorytov M.S., Zhakhovsky V.V., Dyachkov S.A., Ilnitsky D.K., Migdal K.P., Inogamov N.A., Vinokhodov A.Y., Kompanets V.O., Sidelnikov Y.V., Krivtsun V.M., Koshelev K.N., Medvedev V.V. Expansion and Fragmentation of a Liquid-Metal Droplet by a Short Laser Pulse. - Phys.Rev.Appl., 2018,v.10, No.6, p.4009.
  56. Krivokorytov M.S., Zeng Q., Lakatosh B.V., Vinokhodov A.Y., Sidelnikov Y.V., Kompanets V.O., Krivtsun V.M., Koshelev K.N., Ohl C.D., Medvedev V.V. Shaping and Controlled Fragmentation of Liquid Metal Droplets through Cavitation. - Sci Rep, 2018, v.8, p.597.
  57. Lakatosh B.V., Abramenko D.B., Ivanov V.V., Medvedev V.V., Krivtsun V.M., Koshelev K.N., Yakunin A.M. Propulsion of a flat tin target with pulsed CO2 laser radiation: measurements using a ballistic pendulum. - Laser Phys.Lett., 2018, v.15, No.1, p.6003.
  58. Vinokhodov A.Y., Yakushkin A.A., Yakushev O.F., Krivokorytov M.S., Krivtsun V.M., Medvedev V.V., Lash A.A., Koshelev K.N. A Magnetohydrodynamic System for Pumping Liquid Metal Media in a Plasma Source of Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation. - Instrum.Exp.Tech., 2019, v.62, No.2, p.283-288.
  59. Gubarev V.M., Yakovlev V.Y., Sertsu M.G., Yakushev O.F. Krivtsun V.M., Gladush Y.G., Ostanin I.A., Sokolov A., Schoefers F., Medvedev V.V., Nasibulin A.G. Single-walled Carbon Nanotube Membranes for Optical Applications in the Extreme Ultraviolet Range. - Carbon, 2019, v.155, p.734-739.
  60. Àáðàìåíêî Ä.Á., Àíöèôåðîâ Ï.Ñ., Àñòàõîâ Ä.È., Âèíîõîäîâ À.Þ., Âè÷åâ È.Þ., Ãàÿçîâ Ð.Ð., Ãðóøèí À.Ñ., Äîðîõèí Ë.À., Èâàíîâ Â.Â., Êèì Ä.À., Êîøåëåâ Ê.Í., Êðàéíîâ Ï.Â, Êðèâîêîðûòîâ Ì.Ñ., Êðèâöóí Â.Ì., Ëàêàòîø Á.Â., Ëàø À.À., Ìåäâåäåâ Â.Â., Ðÿáöåâ À.Í., Ñèäåëüíèêîâ Þ.Â., Ñíåãèðåâ Å.Ï., Ñîëîìÿííàÿ À.Ä., Ñïèðèäîíîâ Ì.Â., Öûãâèíöåâ È.Ï., ßêóøåâ Î.Ô., ßêóøêèí À.À. Ïëàçìåííûå èñòî÷íèêè ýêñòðåìàëüíîãî óëüòðàôèîëåòîâîãî èçëó÷åíèÿ äëÿ ëèòîãðàôèè è ñîïóòñòâóþùèõ òåõíîëîãè÷åñêèõ ïðîöåññîâ (ê 50-ëåòèþ Èíñòèòóòà ñïåêòðîñêîïèè ÐÀÍ) – Óñïåõè Ôèçè÷åñêèõ Íàóê, 2019, ò.189, ¹ 3 , ñ.: 323-334.
  61. Abramenko D.B., Antsiferov P.S., Astakhov D.I., Vinokhodov A.Y., Vichev I.Y., Gayazov R.R., Grushin A.S., Dorokhin L.A., Ivanov V.V., Kim D.A., Koshelev K.N., Krainov P.V., Krivokorytov M.S., Krivtsun V.M., Lakatosh B.V., Lash A.A., Medvedev V.V., Ryabtsev A.N., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Snegirev E.P., Solomyannaya A.D., Spiridonov M.V., Tsygvintsev I.P., Yakushev O.F., Yakushkin A.A. Plasma-based sources of extreme ultraviolet radiation for lithography and mask inspection (50th anniversary of the Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences). - Physics - Uspekhi, 2019, v.62, No.3, p.304-314.
  62. Âèíîõîäîâ À.Þ., ßêóøêèí À.À., ßêóøåâ Î.Ô., Êðèâîêîðûòîâ Ì.Ñ., Êðèâöóí Â.Ì., Ìåäâåäåâ Â.Â., Ëàø À.À., Êîøåëåâ Ê.Í. Ìàãíèòîãèäðîäèíàìè÷åñêàÿ ñèñòåìà äëÿ ïðîêà÷êè æèäêèõ ìåòàëëîâ â ïëàçìåííîì èñòî÷íèêå ýêñòðåìàëüíîãî óëüòðàôèîëåòîâîãî èçëó÷åíèÿ. - Ïðèáîðû è òåõíèêà ýêñïåðèìåíòà, 2019, ¹2, ñ: 129-135.
  63. Gubarev V.M., Yakovlev V.Y., Sertsu M.G., Yakushev O.F., Krivtsun V.M., Gladush Y.G., Ostanin I.A., Sokolov A., Schafers F., Medvedev V.V., Nasibulin A.G. Corrigendum to "Single-walled carbon nanotube membranes for optical applications in the extreme ultraviolet rang" (vol 155,(2019) 734-739). - Carbon, 2020, v.156, p.576.
  64. De Kerkhof M.V., Osorio E., Krivtsun V.M., Spiridonov M., Astakhov D.I., Medvedev V.V. Miniature plasma source for in situ extreme ultraviolet lithographic scanner cleaning. - J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B: Nanotechnology and Microelectronics, 2022, v.40, No.21, p.022601.
  65. Gubarev V.V., Krivokorytov M.S., Ramirez B.J.A., Krivtsun V.M., Ivanov V.V., Medvedev V.V., Pal A., Krasnikov D.V., Nasibulin A.G. InSn plasma penetration through protective single-walled carbon nanotube-based membranes. - Appl. Phys. Let., 2022, v.121, No.14, p.141901.
  66. Gubarev V.M., M. Krivokorytov M.S., Krivtsun V.M., Novikova N.N., Yakunin S., Pal A., Ramirez B.J.A., Krasnikov D.V., Medvedev V.V, Nasibulin A.G. Ar permeability through densified single-walled carbon nanotube-based membranes. - J. Appl. Phys., 2023, v.133, No.9, p.095106.

Please contact for more of his data:

krivtsun at isan dot troitsk dot ru