of selected publications of E.P.Snegirev
- Vedeneeva G.V., Krivtsun V.M., Kuritsyn Yu.A., Snegirev E. P. Study of the influence of Coriolis coupling on the frequencies of the transitions in the n2 band of tetrahedral hydrides using a tunable-injection-laser spectrometer. - Opt.Spectrosc. (USSR), 1983, v.54, No.6, p.560-561.
- Evseev A.V., Krivtsun V.M., Kuritsyn Yu.A., Makarov A.A., Puretskiy A.A., Ryabov E.A., Snegirev E.P., Tyakht V.V. IR absorption spectrum of CrO2Cl2 molecules prepared in a high-lying state of a vibrational quasicontinuum. - Sov.Phys.JETP, 1984, v.60, No.1, p.64-71.
- Cheglokov A.E., Kuritsyn Yu.A., Snegirev E.P., Ulenikov O.N., Vedeneeva G.V. Study of the n2 infrared band of GeH4: Q-branch. - Mol.Phys., 1984, v.53, No.2, p.287-294.
- Cheglokov A.E., Kuritsyn Yu.A., Snegirev E.P., Ulenikov O.N., Vedeneeva G.V. High-resolution spectroscopy of the n2Q-branch of GeH4 with a computer-assisted, pulsed-diode laser spectrometer. - J. Mol. Spectrosc., 1984, v. 105, No. 2, p. 385-396.
- Cheglokov A.E., Kuritsyn Yu.A., Snegirev E.P., Ulenikov O.N., Vedeneeva G.V. Study of the n2 infrared band of GeH4: Q-branch. - Mol.Phys., 1984, v.53, No.2, p.287-294.
- Vedeneeva G.V., Zasavitskii I.I., Kuritsyn Yu.A., Snegirev E.P., Ulenikov O.N., Cheglokov A.E., Shotov A.P. Study of the rotational structure of the n2 band of the germane molecule with the aid of a spectrometer with tunable semiconductor lasers. - Opt. Spectrosc. (USSR), 1985, v.58, No.3, p.348-352.
- Krivtsun V.M., Kuritsyn Yu.A., Snegirev E.P., Zasavitskii I.I., Shotov A.P. Measurements of small concentrations of PH3 in GeH4 with the use of spectrometer on tunable diode lasers. - Sov.J.Appl. Phys., 1985, v.43, No.4, p.571-576.
- Evseev A.V., Krivtsun V.M., Kuritsyn Yu.A., Makarov A.A., Puretzky A.A., Ryabov E.A., Snegirev E.P., Tyakht V.V. IR absorption spectrum of CrO2Cl2 molecules for high-lying states of the vibrational quasi-continuum. - Chem.Phys., 1986, v.106, No.1, p.131-149.
- Kuritsyn Yu.A., Mironenko V.R., Pak I., Snegirev E.P., Zasavitskii I.I., Shotov A.P. Intracavity detection of absorption with the aid of a tunable semiconductor laser emitting in the middle infrared range. - Sov. J. Quantum Electron., 1988, v.18, No.3, p.371-376.
- Krivtsun V.M., Sadovsky D.A., Snegirev E.P. Diode laser spectroscopy of the n1 and n3 bands of the SnH4 molecule. - Proceeding of the Xth International Conference on High Resolution IR Spectroscopy, Liblice near Prague, September 5-9, 1988, p.59.
- Krivtsun V.M., Sadovsky D.A., Snegirev E.P. Diode laser study of the n1 and n3 bands of the 120SnH4. - Proceeding of the I Italian-Soviet seminar on High Resolution IR Spectroscopy. Bologna, 23-27 october 1989.
- Krivtsun V.M., Sadovsky D.A., Snegirev E.P., Shotov A.P., Zasavitskii I.I. Diode Laser Study of the n1 and n3 Bands of the 120SnH4 Molecule. - J.Mol.Spectrosc. 1990, v.139, No.1, p.107-125.
- Davarashvili O.I., Zhilinskii B. I., Krivtsun V.M., Sadovskii D.A., and Snegirev E.P. Experimental study of a sequence of quantum bifurcations. - JETP Lett.(USA), 1990, v.51, p.18-21.
- Krivtsun V.M., Sadovsky D.A., Snegirev E.P. and Zhilinskii B.I. Investigation of Quantum Bifurcation leading to Crossover of the Rotational Multiplet. - Proceeding of the XI th International Conference on High Resolution IR Spectroscopy, Dobrice, Prague, September 3-7 1990, p.144.
- Mironenko V.R., Snegirev E.P., Kuritsyn Yu.A. Improvement of sensitivity of diode laser spectrometer by optimal data filtering. - Proc. SPIE, 1994, v.2205, p.462-465.
- Krivtsun V.M., Kuritsyn Yu.A., Mironenko V.R., Pak I., Snegirev E.P. Spectroscopic investigations with pulsed Pb-salt diode lasers. - Spectrochim. Acta Part A, 1996, v.52, No.8, p.925-953.
- Liger V.V., Kuritsyn Yu.A., Krivtsun V.M., Snegirev E.P., Kononov A.N. Measurement of the absorption with a diode laser characterized by a detection threshold governed by the shot noise of its radiation. Quant. Electronics, 1997, v.27, No.4, p.360-365).
- Snegirev E.P., Ulitsky N.I., Khodykin O.V., Personov R.I. Nonlinear Shtark effect on the holes in the spectrum of Zn- phtalocyanine in polymer films. Opt. Spectrosc., 1998, v.84 No.1, p.47.
- Ulitsky N.I., Snegirev E.P., Khodykin O.V., Personov R.I. Diode laser stark spectroscopy on the persistent holes. Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 1999, v.55 No.10, p.2015.
- Krivtsun V.M., Kuritsyn Yu.A., Snegirev E.P. Observation of IR absorption spectra of the unstable PbH4 molecule. - Opt.Spectrosc., 1999, v.86, No.5, p.686-691.
- N. I. Ulitski, E. P. Snegirev, and R. I. Personov. Stark Effect on Holes in the Absorption Spectra of Phthalocyanine and the AluminumҐPhthalocyanine Complex in Polymer Matrices. Opt.Spectrosc., 2002, v.92, No.6, p.859.
- Gorshelev A.A, Snegirev E.P., Ulitsky N.I., Kharlamov B.M. Broadband hole burning: a new technique for the measurement of hole burning kinetics, removing the influence of inhomogeneous broadening. Chemical Physics, 2002 v.285, p.289-297.
- Koshelev K., Krivtsun V., Ivanov V., Yakushev O., Chekmarev A., Koloshnikov V., Snegirev E., Medvedev V. New type of discharge-produced plasma source for extreme ultraviolet based on liquid tin jet electrodes. - Journal of Micro - Nanolithography Mems and Moems, 2012, v.11, No.2, p.1103.
- Dolgov A., Yakushev O., Abrikosov A., Snegirev E., Krivtsun V.M., Lee C.J., Bijkerk F. Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) source and ultra-high vacuum chamber for studying EUV-induced processes. - Plasma Sources Science & Technology, 2015, v.24, No.3, p.5003.
- Абраменко Д.Б., Анциферов П.С., Астахов Д.И., Виноходов А.Ю., Вичев И.Ю., Гаязов Р.Р., Грушин А.С., Дорохин Л.А., Иванов В.В., Ким Д.А., Кошелев К.Н., Крайнов П.В, Кривокорытов М.С., Кривцун В.М., Лакатош Б.В., Лаш А.А., Медведев В.В., Рябцев А.Н., Сидельников Ю.В., Снегирев Е.П., Соломянная А.Д., Спиридонов М.В., Цыгвинцев И.П., Якушев О.Ф., Якушкин А.А. Плазменные источники экстремального ультрафиолетового излучения для литографии и сопутствующих технологических процессов (к 50-летию Института спектроскопии РАН) – Успехи Физических Наук, 2019, т.189, № 3 , с.: 323-334.
- Abramenko D.B., Antsiferov P.S., Astakhov D.I., Vinokhodov A.Y., Vichev I.Y., Gayazov R.R., Grushin A.S., Dorokhin L.A., Ivanov V.V., Kim D.A., Koshelev K.N., Krainov P.V., Krivokorytov M.S., Krivtsun V.M., Lakatosh B.V., Lash A.A., Medvedev V.V., Ryabtsev A.N., Sidelnikov Yu.V., Snegirev E.P., Solomyannaya A.D., Spiridonov M.V., Tsygvintsev I.P., Yakushev O.F., Yakushkin A.A. Plasma-based sources of extreme ultraviolet radiation for lithography and mask inspection (50th anniversary of the Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences). - Physics - Uspekhi, 2019, v.62, No.3, p.304-314.