Ivanov, Vladimir Vitalyevich
Institute of Spectroscopy
Department of Atomic Spectroscopy ,
Section of Plasma Radiation Sources ,
Leading scientific researcher.
Scientific degree: PhD in Physics (kandidat).
Post mail address: Institute of Spectroscopy RAS, Moscow, Troitsk, ul. Fizicheskaya 5, 108840 Russia.
tel. +7 495 851-0226
fax +7 495 851-0886
Field of research:
High temperature plasma, Z-pinch discharges, EUV source, magneto-hydrodynamic modeling.
Low temperature plasma and its dynamics in different type discharges, electronegative plasma (on the base of O2,H2, CF4, oxygen-iodine laser), electron and ion velocity distribution functions, modeling by fluid and Monte-Carlo methods.
Laser plasma based electron accelerator, formation of a plasma channel for laser beam propagation.
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